Welcome to the B. Harley Bradley House

Support Wright In Kankakee

Wright In Kankakee was formed by a small group of preservationists who believed that a community could come together and purchase a magnificent example of early Prairie Style architecture designed by America’s premier architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Gaines & Sharon Hall, the stewards of the Bradley House, provided the vision and strongly believed in the importance of restoring the house. Wright In Kankakee was incorporated, and took possession of the property June 30, 2010.

Wright In Kankakee is a not-for-profit corporation organized to preserve the B. Harley Bradley House. We provide public access to the house and promote education about architecture, art, photography, Frank Lloyd Wright, and local history through tours, events, and other educational programs.

For more information about Wright In Kankakee, Call 815.936.9630 or email: info@wright1900.org.

Frank Lloyd Wright once said “The thing always happens that you really believe in and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” To donate to Wright in Kankakee, please click on the button below…

Left: Architect Gaines and wife Sharon Hall, restorers of the B. Harley Bradley House. Right: Norm Strasma, Past President of Wright In Kankakee, with Karin Janik, donor of the newly installed interior skylight panels in the dining room, and Rick Manuel, Past President of Wright In Kankakee