Wright In Kankakee is a not-for-profit community-wide project started with the cooperation of the Kankakee County Historic Preservation Commission
The house was restored by Gaines & Sharon Hall, former owners. In 2010, Wright In Kankakee purchased this landmark house on a 10-year contract. Rental fees and other contributions aided in the purchase and now assist in the maintenance costs.
Vision Statement
Wright in Kankakee is the catalyst uniting and inspiring a network of community partners to enrich lives through the appreciation of history and the promotion of the arts.
Its primary contribution is the preservation and enhancement of the Frank Lloyd Wright campus: a first-class, multi-home cultural, educational, retail and hospitality destination that is treasured locally and globally.
Thanks to its committed board, its solid committee-driven infrastructure and its strong volunteer base, WIK has the dedicated volunteer power, community support – and momentum – to execute its mission in a manner that honors the legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright.
Mission Statement
To preserve the Frank Lloyd Wright campus and advance appreciation of it.
Frank Lloyd Wright Design
The B. Harley Bradley and Warren R. Hickox houses are the very first of their kind and for the next decade Wright’s commissions are said to have been derived from these two basic plans. They were also some of the first in which Wright exercised total control over the interior, including furnishings, and unique art glass windows.
Designed in 1900, these two houses marked the beginning of Wright’s Prairie Style period. The style is distinguished by a simple, plain composition, horizontal to the ground, with rows of casement windows, a low pitched roof, extended overhanging eaves, and wood trim that defines planes, turns corners and highlights special features. The geometric art glass patterns reflect natural plant forms.